Wavesnode.NET (WNET) Launch

In preparation of our release tonight, we have issued our final token to be used with our services. (10M issued, same amount as presale token)
All current WNET holders should find the same amount of WNET in their wallet with the new asset ID.

New WNET asset id: AxAmJaro7BJ4KasYiZhw7HkjwgYtt2nekPuF2CN9LMym (click here for token details)
(please make sure you are using Liteclient 0.5.0a)

The old token will become obsolete and will have no value, please make sure you dont put any buy orders on DEX with the old token.
We have put everything in place to make the switchover as smooth as possible, including ticker changes, verified label and removing the old token from DEX.

Please be aware that putting up buy and sell orders on the old asset ID after we have announced the release of our final token will be at your own risk.

If for any reason you find something is not in order with the new amount distributed, please do not hessitate to contact us trough the following channels:

We will also be available for all other questions regarding our release, but please be aware that we might be hard to reach during our release event.


Open orders on old token on August 29 2017:
There are a handful op people that had open orders on our old token on DEX, to protect those people we have temporarily blacklisted our old token to make sure everybody switches to the new token first. This blacklist will be in place for 48 to 72 hours, after that you can safely cancel your buy orders, and please do so.
If you are one of the users that had open orders on the old token, please contact us.